More Native HTML5 support in CM1

As we start to see more and more HTML5 and CSS3 powered sites out there, it is almost impossible to miss some of the new tags that were added and their benefits to everything from user experience to getting found.

I wanted to hear everybody’s opinion on ideas such as;

Natively wrapping our Navigation Widget with <nav> </nav> tags.

Natively inserting an ```

 Adding ```<header> <footer>

etc. tags to base templates so that when users start developing their templates from scratch, they at least have a base HTML5 skeleton to start with.

Providing native Responsive Design elements in our base templates. (especially adding responsive css3 to perctheme files)

Providing quicker ways for users to add HTML5 supported audio and video tags in Rich Text Widget.

These are just starter ideas, I would love to know what you all think. If you prefer one more than the others feel free to specify and add more if needed.

Responsive design is key these days. It really is a major issue in having to avoid developing mobile templates.

HTML5 also can be a great way to avoid jQuery.