Moving from Unix to Linux

We are going to be moving our test server from a unix server Solaris 9 to a Red Hat 5 server. After moving the server we are also going to upgrade from rx 5.7 to 6.5.2.

Does anyone have any recommendations for doing this, past experiences? After we move should we run the 5.7 installer and start the server before upgrading?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Generally speaking, it’s best to change one thing at a time.

The “safest” policy is to move the server first, and then verify that it moved correctly. Once the verification is complete, then start the upgrade.

This way, when something is broken after upgrade, you will know which step caused it to break.

Of course, doing a full regression after the server move can be time consuming, and many customers skip this step. I’d recommend doing as much testing as you have the time and resources to complete before you upgrade.


Are there standards steps for moving from a Unix server to Linux?

This is not a supported practice, so there is no specific documentation for it.