MSM and variables


Is there a way to package up variables using MSM? I cant seem to find them anyway either as a type or a dependency. I can’t even copy over the table data for rxassemblerproperties.


In 6.5.2 (patch 14603), I believe you can move them by packaging up the site referenced by the variable.

However, if memory serves me correctly, the site def ID associated with each variable is not mapped from the src server to the target server, so if the site ids don’t exactly match from src to target, there will be problems.

If the src site def id exists in the target, but is different site name, then you’ll have to fix the variables in the target after deployment. If the src site def id exists in the target, is a different name, and there are already variables in the target assigned to that site def id, they’ll get overwritten. If the src site def id does not exist in the target, then I believe you get an exception courtesy of hibernate.

This is all based on my experience with an MSM deployment from a week or two ago. I haven’t gotten around to filing this as a bug with Percussion TS, yet. Too many other fires burning at the moment.


Can you clarify which variables you are inquiring about (i.e., Site variables, binding variables)?


Hi Richard

Site variables but I’ve since found out that they are packaged with a site.
