MSM Packaging

HI all

how do i package up an xml file from the



The file is a custom file that defines fields and controls for one of my ces. i have tried packaging up the ce but get an error on install saying field img_227_156 referenced by mapping unlabeled could not be found.

i don’t think i can just copy the file across as it references the specific server.


We’re still having problems MSM’ing shared field definitions, but we can’t pin-point the problem, or be sure it isn’t a bug in shared fields alone (we also run into trouble when manually repeating changes to the shared fields on two different servers.) Here’s some advice on MSM’ing shared fields in 6.5.2:

It may or may not apply to earlier versions. You may or may not be able to make more sense of it than us.


thanks andrew

i have tried packaging the relevant ce and adding the shared group as a dependency but i still get the same error.

is anyone from percussion able to help please.


You should contact Percussion Technical Support directly for assistance with these issues.


i have raised a TAR with tech support who are looking into this.

the error message i get relates to the shared field not existing on the target server. well that is the whole point isn’t it - it is the shared fields i am trying to package up so obviously they don’t exist on the target server.

has anybody managed to successfully package up and instal the xml file containing shared fields?
