msm problem - install error

hi all

have received a really useful msm error and wondered if anyone can help.

the error is

cannot locate an id mapping for dependency of type sys_undefined with id 624 from the source repository

what is sys_undefined?


Hi Michelle

What type of Rhythmyx component are you trying to import?


hi jimbo

am installing content - i know its not recommended but it does work.

the problem i have is that when creating the archive, when i identify the id types and say mark 820 as variant definition, the error occurs on install. If i open the same archive the 820 is no longer marked as a variant definition - rx does not seem to be keeping my selection - other ids marked as variants stay put.


Hi Michelle

When you come to install the archive do you see that variant 820 has been correctly assigned or does MSM want to install it?

Have you tried removing the mapping?

If the mapping is not being made the when creating the archive, MSM should ask you to create a mapping when deploying on the target server. You may have to do a “custom” install for this.


Try to isolate this element and when creating the archive - you can map this id 820 as “Not an ID” rather than specifying it as variant definition.