MSM Problem

hi all

i have packaged up my community definition but get an error when i try to install the package on another server. the error says

cannot locate ID mapping for dependency of type “content type” with id 343 from source repostory.

I do not have a content type with this id on my source server and don’t know how to stop this error appearing.

can anyone help please.


Do you have a content type on the destination server with that id?

When packaging the community, did you accidentally choose to make something an id when it shouldn’t be?

Have you packaged the elements in the right order? Have a look at this if you need the order… page 59 or see below which we recieved from percussion when we had problems and is different to the documentation.

Hope this helps.

MSM Package Order

[FONT=Calibri]1. [/FONT]Custom Elements
[FONT=Calibri]2. [/FONT]Workflows
[FONT=Calibri]3. [/FONT]Content Types
[FONT=Calibri]4. [/FONT]Slots
[FONT=Calibri]5. [/FONT]Content Assemblers
[FONT=Calibri]6. [/FONT]Content Lists
[FONT=Calibri]7. [/FONT]Sites
[FONT=Calibri]8. [/FONT]Components
[FONT=Calibri]9. [/FONT]Community Definitions
[FONT=Calibri]10. [/FONT]Content Views
[FONT=Calibri]11. [/FONT]Action Menus
[FONT=Calibri]12. [/FONT]Relationship Definitions
[FONT=Calibri]13. [/FONT]Display Formats
[FONT=Calibri]14. [/FONT]Locales
[FONT=Calibri]15. [/FONT]Folders
[FONT=Calibri]16. [/FONT]Item Filters
[FONT=Calibri]17. [/FONT]Folder Trees
[FONT=Calibri]18. [/FONT]Searches
[FONT=Calibri]19. [/FONT]Templates and Variants
[FONT=Calibri]20. [/FONT]Content
[FONT=Calibri]21. [/FONT]Keywords (as stand alone packages)
[FONT=Calibri]22. [/FONT]Contexts (as stand alone packages)


yes there is a content type on the target server with id 343 which is correctly mapped to the one on the source server. but it appears to suggest the id 343 is on the source server - it is possible that there was one at some point but has obviously been deleted before packaging. why does the source server remember deleted items?

i packaged in this order

table schemas
content types
content lists


You can alter MSM’s memory of items regarding the source and target. When deploying the MSM to the target system, you’re eventually presented with the Element Maps tab. Below that is an Advanced… tab. After clicking that, you can go into the Content Type, and remove the source to target mapping that MSM has “cached.” Then you’ll have to define the new source to target mapping like you normally would for new items.


thanks but i have tried that - there is no cached mapping for source content type id 343 in the advanced tab. this is why this is so confusing.


Hi Michelle -

Check the source server’s database in the RXCONTENTTYPECOMMUNITY table, and see if there is a row with the COMMUNITYID matching the community you are trying to install with MSM, and the CONTENTTYPEID of 343. If you find such a row, and you are certain there is no row in the CONTENTTYPES table with the same CONTENTTYPEID, then delete this row from the RXCONTENTTYPECOMMUNITY table.

Then recreate the archive on the source server (hopefully you saved a descriptor) and trying installing it.

Hope this helps,

thanks jay

that did the trick

very grateful
thank you

hi all

i have another issue with MSM. i have packaged up an assembler application and when i try to unpackage it i get an error

unable to find child dependency with id “376”, object type “Slot”, referenced by the parent dependency with id “784”, object type “VariantDef”.

i have checked the variant definition of 784 and it does not reference a slot 376 on the source server.

i have also checked slot definitions and there is no slot with id of 376 on the source server.

can anyone help please.


We highlighted a bug with the “advanced” remapping tool in MSM some months ago. I don’t believe there has been a fix.

There is no way to change things once packaged. You have to repackage the whole lot again.

the thing that is confusing me here is that slot 376 has obviously been deleted in the past.

variant 784 is a new variant that have created with my current development. the 2 things have never existed at the same time so how has rhythmyx created a dependency between them?


Michelle -

In the repository database of the Rhythmyx server from which you are creating the MSM archive (the “source” server’s database), search the RXVARIANTSLOTTYPE table for a row with VARIANTID=784 and SLOTID=376. If you find such a row, delete it and then re-create the archive.

Hope this helps,