MSM question


We use MSM to move communities and other RX objects between servers. When creating an archive I include entire community definition but when installing a community, the custom objects(content types, site, templates, workflows) created and visible to that community don’t show up in the community visibility on the target server. I have to add them manually to the Communities.

Why does this happen? Is this how it is supposed to work?

Note: These custom objects are already installed on the target server. They just don’t show up in the community’s visibility sections



The Community Visibility is actually stored at the component side, not on the community side. On each component (Content Type, Template, Action Menu, etc) you can right click and choose “Security”. You’ll see the Access Control list where you can set what Communities a given component is “visible” to. The Community Visibility view is actually a view created to show/manage all these Security/ACL settings as seen from the Community side.

If you “add” a Content Type to a Community in the Community Visibility View, you’re actually modifying the Security ACL for the Content Type. So if you change community visibility and need to migrate this via MSM, you’ll need to move the Component, NOT the Community.

Hope this helps.
