MSM Questions About Context, Display Format


Couple of more questions about MSM:

  1. We have an archive to transfer only one custom Display Format (created by copying and then modifying standard item). However, when trying to install this archive, I get an error “200 dependencies exceeded…” The only dependency of this magnitude could be the number of communities on our system. Is that it? How do we get around it? (It’s probably easier for me to make the changes manually.)

  2. Also wanted to transfer changes to our custom Contexts (different archive). Couple of them had two new Location Schemas added. Although I marked them as “Create on target server”, that didn’t happen after installation of this archive. Am I missing something?


P.S. Archives deployed following the order suggested in this forum recently. Bulk of items got transferred without any problems.

You can increase the maximum dependencies allowed by creating a text file called “RhythmyxMultiServerManager.ja” in the same directory as the RhythmyxMultiServerManager.exe file used to launch MSM. In that file, add the line:

(or what ever max number you want to try). This takes effect the next time you start MSM.

As for the location scheme question, I assume you mean you checked off “Add To Server” on the Transforms dialog during installation. That will only allocate a new ID for those objects if and when they are installed, but they may have only been referenced by some other object in the package but not actually included and installed. If that’s the case you ought to have received a “Does not exist” warning during the validation process while installing the archive - you can check the “informed warnings” in the archive log from the installation attempt to see if that’s the case.

You need to ensure during archive creation that you have actually checked off the two location schemes to include them in the archive.

Right, that’s what I get - “Does Not Exist”.
But where do I check off Location Schemas? Those are not listed under Available Rhythmyx Elements (when going through Create Archive wizzard).


Location Schemes are children of the Context, and treated by MSM as a dependency. You specify dependencies on the fourth dialog of the Create Archive wizard (the description text starts “Choose the dependencies or ancestors to include with this element”). When you include a Context in the archive, the Include Element Dependencies or Ancestors dialog should list all the Location Schemes associated with that Context.


I specifically packaged up all my location schemes. They were all checked as Add to Server, and the archive was deployed with no errors, but only two out of four arrived.

Worked like a charm. This was my oversight, totally. I thought location schemas will be created just by clicking “Add to Server” within Element Maps. Thanks…

[QUOTE=JaySeletz;3367]You can increase the maximum dependencies allowed by creating a text file called “RhythmyxMultiServerManager.ja” in the same directory as the RhythmyxMultiServerManager.exe file used to launch MSM. In that file, add the line:

(or what ever max number you want to try). This takes effect the next time you start MSM.


Is this advice still applicable, 1 1/2 years later? I’ve encountered the max dep error message on what should be a very simple Content Item MSM,
created the ja file with the above setting, restarted, yet the error message still shows up with 200 max value, not the 300 specified in ja.

We’re running Version 6.7.0 Build 200906P01 (3235) [RX-16064]



This will not work for your version of Rhythmyx (6.7.0). Instead, look for a file named RhythmyxMultiServerManager.lax. Open this file and look for the following property:

Add -Dcom.percussion.deploy.maxDeps=300 to the value of this property, then save the file and launch MSM.

