MSM wants to take FF templates along with it.

We’ve set up our environment so that we aren’t using anything that starts with rff. Yet when I try to move sites from dev to production using MSM, I found that clicking Guess All added some FF templates to the Site archive, under Template Definition. And of course, if I de-selected them, MSM refused to move forward for me.

So I let it add all the templates it wanted to add, including several FF templates, but when I tried to deploy it, I got this error:

The process is aborted: error: An unexpected error has occurred: error occured while installing site: com.percussion.deploy.error.PSDeployException: An unexpected error has occurred: Error occured while generating site: Cannot locate an ID mapping for dependency of type “VariantDef” with ID “527” from source repository “oracle:thin@cmsweb-5:1521:cmstest::PERCUSSIONCMS”

The offending template seems to be rffSnAutoList. I can’t see any reason why it would be a dependency. Any ideas how to fix this error?

P.S. Note to Percussion engineers: the word “occurred” always has two r’s. I have trouble with that word too.


You can remove a template from a site via the Rhythmyx Workbench. Go to the ‘Assembly Design’ tab and expand the ‘Templates’ folder to find the template. Open the template editor and switch to the ‘Sites’ tab. Here you can configure the sites to which the template is associated. After you’ve removed the template from the appropriate sites, save it, then re-package the Site archive. The dependencies should no longer exist and the archive should deploy successfully.



Thanks for the tip. I didn’t realize (and don’t know why) that FF templates were connected with some of my own sites. Removing them stopped the error messages for the templates I don’t need.

However, now I’m getting the same error message for my Sidebar snippet template, which I do need. Now I need to know what that error message really means, and how to eliminate it completely.