hi all

just wondered how you all get on using MSM. i’m using v5.7 of rhythmyx and seriously struggle with this application. it causes me serious headaches and i, more often than not, resort to duplicating the work in all my environments.


Hi Michelle

I too used to think like that but since 5.7 the MSM application has been OK. The key for me was to start small eg only package up a single content type and it’s templates, then expand on that.

The other thing is to package everthing up in correct order:

• Custom Elements - including custom controls for content editors, custom exits, UDFs, etc
• Back-end tables
• Shared Groups & customizations to the System Definition
• Workflows
• Content Types
• Slots
• Content Assemblers.
• Content Lists
• Sites
• Components
• Communities
• Content – (meta-content)

Hope this helps.


Thanks Jimbo

Started to follow your advice and everything was going well until i started to try to unpackage my CAS applications.

When i get to the screen where you have to map variants from source to target, I have one variant that exists on both servers but it does not appear in the list of variants in the target server. so when i use guess it says add to server - obviously i don’t want to do this as it already exists.

why would MSM not pick up all my variants from the target server. has anyone else experienced this?


That can happen when there is already something mapped to the variant on the target server. Once something is mapped to a target ID, that ID is no longer available as a choice.

Try this: During the installation when you get to the ID mapping screen you should see an “Advanced” button at the bottom. This opens a mapping dialog that shows all of the saved ID mappings between the source and target servers. See if something else is already mapped to the variant on the target server. If it’s an incorrect mapping, you can just delete it and click “Update”. Now you should be able to select that target variant.

Thanks Jay - i’ll give that a go.

there’s just so much in this application that they didn’t cover in the 5 minutes we spent on it in the developer course!!! :confused: