Multi-Generic Templates

I didn’t see anything posted like this already so here goes.

I created a standard site (generic_template, navigation, and global_template). It’s a basic site with nothing fancy: header, naviation and body sections. I now need to make a variation to my generic_template. I need to add a sub_navigation on select pages. Right now, the navigation template is called in the global template, but the sub-nav, I think, would go in the new_generic_template.

Do I have to create another content type which I reference by the new template? Is there a way to have 2 templates reference a single content type (since they’ll have the exact same fields) then choose which template I use when I create the page in the Content Explorer?

Hope my explanation is clear.
Thanks for any help.



The functionality you need is provided by Dispatch Templates. In the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide (Version 6.5.2 link), see pp. 164-169. It illustrates a case very similar to yours.



Thanks. That is what I was looking for. But I think I hit another snag. It’s not giving me an error so I’m kind of stumped.

So I created my “alternate_generic_template” and followed the instructions in the doc to create a Dispatch Template. I created the bindings in that template to use “Generic_Template” if N (Normal) and “Alternate_Generic_Template” if C (column). It looks like it puts them in the proper sections in the communites section. I configured my content type’s drop down to recognize the N & C. When I preview a page that I specify as the alternate, it displays properly, however, when testing the links, it reverts back to the normal view.

Will this correct itself when I publish or did a miss a step?



Sounds like your link binding is still pointing to the Normal Template. Update the binding to point to the Dispatch Template and you should see the correct behavior.


Thanks RLJII , that worked. Ran into another snag with the navigation which somehow fixed itself. I’m not complaining. Thanks for all your help.
