Multi-select field in JSR-170 query

I’m trying to pull items into an autoslot based on whether a value is selected in a local multi-select field. For example, if “OptionA” is one of the multi-select options selected, then I want the item to get loaded. I know this is possible with a single drop-down field, but is it also possible with a multi-select? If so, how?

When I add "AND categories = ‘adventure’ " to my query (where categories is a sys_CheckBoxGroup field), I get the following error:

Problem assembling output for item (name=“container-professional-development”, id=1-101-5877) with template: pc_t_container_auto_2_columns. Underlying error: This value 'query=SELECT * FROM pc_ct_course WHERE jcr:path LIKE ‘//Sites/’ AND categories = ‘adventure’ ORDER BY categories ASC ’ is badly formed for a url query parameter, which must have the form param=value See log for stack trace.

Any help is much appreciated!


You may attempt to change you query from

SELECT * FROM pc_ct_course WHERE jcr:path LIKE '//Sites/' AND categories = 'adventure' ORDER BY categories ASC


SELECT rx:sys_contentid FROM rx:pc_ct_course WHERE jcr:path LIKE '//Sites/' AND rx:categories = 'adventure' ORDER BY rx:categories ASC