Multiple checkboxtrees in different field groups

In 7.2, if I have a sys_checkboxtree field in one field group and another in another field group, neither work or retain values correctly. If all cbts are in the same field group, they work and retain their values. Almost…because…

…if you create a new item and select some values in your cbt controls in a field group, then switch to a new tab/field group, when you go back to the tab containing the cbt control(s) the values you previously selected have disappeared.

Anyone got round this or do I post a support issue?

Cheers, Andrew

If you enable Firbebug or browser development tools on the content editor URL is there any JavaScript error being thrown in the JS console?


[QUOTE=allana;20793]In 7.2, if I have a sys_checkboxtree field in one field group and another in another field group, neither work or retain values correctly. If all cbts are in the same field group, they work and retain their values. Almost…because…

…if you create a new item and select some values in your cbt controls in a field group, then switch to a new tab/field group, when you go back to the tab containing the cbt control(s) the values you previously selected have disappeared.

Anyone got round this or do I post a support issue?

Cheers, Andrew[/QUOTE]

Looks like clearing out downloaded java applets fixed the problem! I was looking at the sys_CheckBoxTreeJS as an alternative which seems ok except for the fact that all nodes are expanded by default as far as I can see, which isn’t good if you have hundreds of nodes in the hierarchy…

Ok, more - accurate this time - information. Because it seems it’s browser-specific.

In IE8 switching between tab groupings (tabsleft) is fine, even with CBTs in different tabs. When you switch between the tabs essentially the control looks like it’s remained in the same state it was in when you selected your checkboxes.

In Firefox however, switching between tabs loses the values you’ve selected. It looks like whenever you switch back to the tab containing the CBT control it has a little lag while it reloads the control, losing the selected values in the process.

I would happily go to the javascript control instead, except for the fact that all nodes start off expanded (unless there’s a way to stop that happening??)

Any help appreciated…

PS - no errors in Firebug…

Ok, I’ve posted an issue on the support portal for this, because field groupings don’t work with Editlive or CheckBoxTrees, which both lose their modified values on switching tabs in Firefox, and in IE cause severe lags (close button takes ages to invoke dialogue and fields can’t be modified for many seconds after content editor has loaded).

If you group fields either using tabsLeft or expandable, values in Editlive Fields and Check Box Trees are lost when closing the tab they’re in (Firefox) or the content editor loads extremely slowly (IE). This is tested on a vanilla 7.2 patched to CMS-522, and our own 7.2 system patched to CMS-475.

To replicate: in a vanilla patched install add groups to the rffGeneric content type. Add a CBT control also, and add to a group. Issues are marked with *.

In Firefox:

  • Create a new Generic item
  • Go to the tab containing the Editlive field(s)
  • Enter data into an editlive field
  • Close and re-open the tab - the entered value has disappeared *
  • Go to the tab containing the checkboxtree
  • Select values
  • Close and re-open the tab - the entered values have disappeared *

In IE:

  • Create a new Generic item
  • Notice that fields are not available to edit until some time after the content editor loads - ie simple text fields (sys_title) are unresponsive for many seconds (In firefox this isn’t the case) *
  • However Editlive and CBT selected values are retained when switching/opening-closing tabs unlike FF.
  • Close button has a major lag until it actually displays the dirtycheck dialogue. *

Examples (username: otgdev password: ********) from our system using our Event content type:

I can also allow you to see my vanilla rffGeneric showing the above on my local install through goToMeeting if you like.

I thought that adding calls to the rxEphoxPreSubmit() and taxonomy setValues() scripts into the tab click functions would assist, but alas no. In fact if you turn on Firebug you’ll see that the rxEphoxPreSubmit() invokes an error just prior to submitting, and trying to call the checkboxtree setvalues invokes the error that the function isn’t found.

Anyway, hoping that a fix can be worked out so posting here also…


What was the TAR # for this? I’m assuming this was on the TAR, but which browser versions specifically are you seeing the behavior in?


[QUOTE=allana;20805]Ok, I’ve posted an issue on the support portal for this, because field groupings don’t work with Editlive or CheckBoxTrees, which both lose their modified values on switching tabs in Firefox, and in IE cause severe lags (close button takes ages to invoke dialogue and fields can’t be modified for many seconds after content editor has loaded).

If you group fields either using tabsLeft or expandable, values in Editlive Fields and Check Box Trees are lost when closing the tab they’re in (Firefox) or the content editor loads extremely slowly (IE). This is tested on a vanilla 7.2 patched to CMS-522, and our own 7.2 system patched to CMS-475.

To replicate: in a vanilla patched install add groups to the rffGeneric content type. Add a CBT control also, and add to a group. Issues are marked with *.

In Firefox:

  • Create a new Generic item
  • Go to the tab containing the Editlive field(s)
  • Enter data into an editlive field
  • Close and re-open the tab - the entered value has disappeared *
  • Go to the tab containing the checkboxtree
  • Select values
  • Close and re-open the tab - the entered values have disappeared *

In IE:

  • Create a new Generic item
  • Notice that fields are not available to edit until some time after the content editor loads - ie simple text fields (sys_title) are unresponsive for many seconds (In firefox this isn’t the case) *
  • However Editlive and CBT selected values are retained when switching/opening-closing tabs unlike FF.
  • Close button has a major lag until it actually displays the dirtycheck dialogue. *

Examples (username: otgdev password: ********) from our system using our Event content type:

I can also allow you to see my vanilla rffGeneric showing the above on my local install through goToMeeting if you like.

I thought that adding calls to the rxEphoxPreSubmit() and taxonomy setValues() scripts into the tab click functions would assist, but alas no. In fact if you turn on Firebug you’ll see that the rxEphoxPreSubmit() invokes an error just prior to submitting, and trying to call the checkboxtree setvalues invokes the error that the function isn’t found.

Anyway, hoping that a fix can be worked out so posting here also…[/QUOTE]


IE8/9 and Firefox 23.0.1.

Essentially both browsers don’t work, but in different ways. I can share my screen with you if you want to see it happening on my vanilla install?

Cheers, Andrew


This issue has been escalated to engineering.

Best regards,
Chris Leger