Multiple DB Tables for content type

We have a content type called gsaLink.

However, when I open the database schema I see multiple tables like: ct_gsalink1, ct_gsalink2, ct_gsalink3, ct_gsalink_bak, ct_gsalink_bak, ct_gsalink1_bak etc…

Is this normal? What is the reason for having multiple tables for one content type?


Hi there

The CM System seems to make the additional tables when any major changes are made to the Content Type in question. To find out which table is actually live you need to open the .xml for the Content Type in the object store and find which table is referenced. The other tables can then be deleted from the back end database repository.

If you want to clean up the tables and get back to “ct_gsalink” as the naming convention rename the latest (live) table and change the references in the Object Store .xml

Do all of this with the CM System shut down and always take a DB back up before making the changes, just in case something goes wrong.



Just a word of caution. Look at the Objectstore xml very carefully

We had a problem where things got out of sync and the workbench was updating one table while the content explorer was still writing data to another version of the table.