Multiple Notification for a single workflow transition.

I have a requirement to send 2 different notification’s for a single transition in a workflow.
For example…
From Dev to QA state transition, Notification 1 and Notification 2 both have to be sent at the same time. Is it possible to achieve this functionality?


You want to check out or try the SpringWorklowActionDispatcher in the PSOToolkit. The Documentation is a little lacking, but when the extension is installed you can configure the dispatcher to call one or more Worklow Actions. There is some minimal doc in the PSO Toolkit JavaDoc on it. You basically un-comment the XML in the configuration file below and replace workflow1 and transition1 with your Workflow and transition and specify the actions that should be called in order.


<bean id="psoWFActionService" class="com.percussion.pso.workflow.PSOWFActionService"
      <!--  <property name="transitionActions">
              <entry key="workflow1">
                     <entry key="transition1">
       </property>  -->


[QUOTE=Paddy;19278]I have a requirement to send 2 different notification’s for a single transition in a workflow.
For example…
From Dev to QA state transition, Notification 1 and Notification 2 both have to be sent at the same time. Is it possible to achieve this functionality?
