nav_left (c_clamp)

Can someone one leads me in the right direction.

I have been assigned to re-write our nav_left navigation using Velocity template. I found a sample code for how to write the navigation (left side) using velocity, however this code was not too helpful because we have a different setting.

We have set up the left navigation to get his information from the ancestors node. We have achieve this by adding a “slot” under related content of the navon template.

This works fine, because i only have to rewrite the nav_left template by using "#slot_simple(“slotname”) and i get the info of the ancesters nodes on the children.

1- My challenge now is that, we would like to highlight the link of the child navon anytime we land on that page?
2- The system adds automatically a table by default around nav_left. I don’t know in the world this table gets added to the final output as it is said in your documentation "rhythmyx_Administration_Manual_5_5_2.pdf ( rx_Globals.xsl,rx_GlobalTemplates.xl,rx_Slots.xsl) are not used in velocity template. so what other file can be adding the table.

Your answer will be greatly appreciated.

What is the output when you preview the navigation snippet template? Does it contain the table?

When i just preview the navigation, i dont’t get the table.

You see, after doing more debugging, i noticed that, i am creating a nav_left with Velocity, and the navon (navigation content type) is still using xsl. consequently within that navon.xsl, "rx_global, and rx_slot are referenced, but the new nav_left (which uses velocity) does not reference this 2 rx_ file. do you have any idea?

Thanks in advance for your input.

Unfortunately I haven’t dealt with the legacy XSL template system.


It’s not clear what the problem is.

Are all your page and global templates converted to Velocity? Or do you have a mix of Velocity and XSL?

Are your other navigation variants e.g. the nav_top and nav_bottom XSL ?

You say the new Velocity nav_left preview as expected…so where does the problem manifest? …In a page template? If so is this page template XSL or Velocity, and does it use a XSL global template or a Velocity template?
