Navigation Dropdown Menu Overlays with Slideshow

Hi Everyone.

Recently, we find the menu bar’s drop-down menu is overlaying with the js sideshow. This is only happen in IE when “Display intranet sites in Compatibility View” is checked in “Compatibly View Settings” window. In Firefox and Chrome, it just looks fine.

In css file of this slideshow, the z-index value is 40.

Any idea about this problem?

Thanks a lot

What version of IE?

I found some possible tips here for IE 8, all involving a meta tag to force the view mode of IE:

Note that IE 7 has known issues with z-index period, which applies if IE 8 gets “stuck” rendering pages in IE 7 Compatibility mode.

I swear, IE is Microsoft’s way of punishing us all for choosing better browsers.

I have a sliding banner that is covering dropdown menus in IE9. Firefox and Chrome are fine…I have an older IE browser that doesn’t have the problem. Even IE isn’t consistent.