Standard disclaimers apply. I have removed some specific code related to checking for “special navigation items” (ie. items beginning with “–” that are specific for our implementation). This code is pretty old (once I had it working I tried not to touch it again…so there might be redundant calls…I will eventually get back to streamlining it, but right now it isn’t broken so…). Because velocity (at least the one included in 6.5 and 6.7) has a…differing… concept of variable scope, macros are needed for each navigation level (so that variables used for determining the current level of navigation are not clobbered with sub navigation…ie i tried to make nextnavlevel a recursive function and no luck there).
[li]our navigation content types are called “vtNavBase” and “vtNavBranch”. You will need to change those to the defaults (ie. “rffNavTree” and “rffNavOn”).
[/li][li]also to add non navigation items to the nav submenu, you’ll have to edit the slot “vtSNavSubmenu” (or the default is “rffNavSubmenu”…you will probably need to do a find/replace to switch those out in the code)
Let me know if you find any improvements or have any comments!
## on snippet template for navigation
#set($this_cid = $sys.assemblyItem.getNode().getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#set($parent_cid = $sys.assemblyItem.getCloneParentItem().getNode().getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#set($thisN = $sys.assemblyItem.clone())##
#rootlevel($nav.root $thisN $parent_cid "0" "4")##
#rootlevel($nav.root $thisN $this_cid "0" "4")##
#end## if $parent_cid
## --- BEGIN Navigation related Macros -----------------
## Root level, starting the navigation off.
## type:
## 0 = default (only expand out to current level)
## 1 = show all levels
## 2 = show third level all at current second level...for horizontal navigation
#macro(rootlevel $node $thisN $item_cid $type $maxLevel)##
#set($submenu = $node.getNodes("nav:submenu"))##
#vtReturnFieldEsc($node "rx:displaytitle" $title)##
#set($landing_page = $node.getProperty("nav:url").String)##
#set($axis = $node.getProperty("nav:axis").String)##
#set($this_cid = $node.getProperty("nav:landingPage").getNode().getProperty("rx:sys_contentid").String)##
<li id="vt_nav_home">
#if($axis=="SELF" && $parent_cid.equals($this_cid))##
<a class="vt_active" href="$landing_page" title="$title">$title</a>
<a href="$landing_page" title="$title">$title</a>
#end## if $axis=="SELF" ...
#isCurrentInSubmenu($submenu $isInLevel $item_cid)##
#set($submenu = $node.getNodes("nav:submenu"))##
#foreach ($navon in $submenu)##
#nextnavlevel ($navon $isInLevel "1" $velocityCount $thisN $item_cid $type $maxLevel)##
#end## if $node
#end## macro rootlevel
## NOTE: Have to break out nav because $lvlNum becomes "global" variable, and thus we can't do a recursive
## call on one macro...
#macro(nextnavlevel $node $isInThisLevel $lvlNum $counter $thisN $item_cid $type $maxLevel)##
#set($thisActive = $tools.math.toInteger($lvlNum) - 1)##
#if($thisActive == 0)##
#set($showActive = "")##
#vtReturnFieldEsc($node "rx:displaytitle" $title)##
#set($sys_title = $node.getProperty("rx:sys_title").String)##
#set($nodetype = $node.getPrimaryNodeType().getType())##
#if ($nodetype == "vtNavBase" || $nodetype == 'vtNavBranch')##
#set($landing_page = $node.getProperty("nav:url").String)##
#set($submenu = $node.getNodes("nav:submenu"))##
#set($axis = $node.getProperty("nav:axis").String)##
#set($this_cid = $thisN.getNode().getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#isCurrentInSubmenu($submenu $isInNextLevel $item_cid)##
#if ($axis=="PARENT" || $axis=="ANCESTOR"||$axis=="SELF")##
<a class="vt_active${showActive}" href="$landing_page" title="${title}">$title</a>
<a href="$landing_page" title="$title">$title</a>
#end## $axis==PARENT
#if ($tools.math.toInteger($submenu.size) > 0)##
#if ($axis=="SELF" || $axis=="PARENT" || $axis=="ANCESTOR")##
#set($submenu = $node.getNodes("nav:submenu"))##
<div class="vt_subnav${lvlNum}_block">
<ul class="vt_subnav${lvlNum}">
#set($nextLevelNum = $tools.math.toInteger($lvlNum) + 1)##
#if($nextLevelNum < $tools.math.toInteger($maxLevel))##
#foreach ($navon in $submenu)##
#nextnavlevel2 ($navon $isInNextLevel $nextLevelNum $velocityCount $thisN $item_cid $type $maxLevel)##
#end## foreach $navon
#end## if $nextLevelNum
#elseif ($type.equals("1"))##
#isCurrentInSubmenu($submenu $isInNextLevel $item_cid)##
#set($submenu = $node.getNodes("nav:submenu"))##
<div class="vt_subnav${lvlNum}_block">
<ul class="vt_subnav${lvlNum}_inactive">
#set($nextLevelNum = $tools.math.toInteger($lvlNum) + 1)##
#if($nextLevelNum < $tools.math.toInteger($maxLevel))##
#foreach ($navon in $submenu)##
#nextnavlevel2 ($navon $isInNextLevel $nextLevelNum $velocityCount $thisN $item_cid $type $maxLevel)##
#end## foreach $navon
#end## if $nextLevelNum
#end## $axis==SELF
#end## $tools.math
#set($thisNum = $counter)##
##$nodetype $thisNum $thisActive $item_cid $node.getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String
#showItem($node.parent $nodetype $thisNum $thisActive $item_cid $node.getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#showItem($node $nodetype $thisNum $thisActive $item_cid $node.getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#end## if $node_parent
#end## $nodetype == vtNavBase
#end## macro nextnavlevel
#macro(nextnavlevel2 $node $isInThisLevel $lvlNum2 $counter $thisN $item_cid $type $maxLevel)##
#set($thisActive = $tools.math.toInteger($lvlNum2) - 1)##
#if($thisActive == 0)##
#set($showActive = "")##
#vtReturnFieldEsc($node "rx:displaytitle" $title)##
#set($sys_title = $node.getProperty("rx:sys_title").String)##
#set($nodetype = $node.getPrimaryNodeType().getType())##
#if ($nodetype == "vtNavBase" || $nodetype == 'vtNavBranch')##
#set($landing_page = $node.getProperty("nav:url").String)##
#set($submenu = $node.getNodes("nav:submenu"))##
#set($axis = $node.getProperty("nav:axis").String)##
#set($this_cid = $thisN.getNode().getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#isCurrentInSubmenu($submenu $isInNextLevel $item_cid)##
#if ($axis=="PARENT" || $axis=="ANCESTOR"||$axis=="SELF")##
<a class="vt_active${showActive}" href="$landing_page" title="$title">$title</a>
<a href="$landing_page" title="$title">$title</a>
#end## $axis==PARENT
#if ($tools.math.toInteger($submenu.size) > 0)##
#if ($axis=="SELF" || $axis=="PARENT" || $axis=="ANCESTOR")##
#set($submenu = $node.getNodes("nav:submenu"))##
<div class="vt_subnav${lvlNum2}_block">
<ul class="vt_subnav${lvlNum2}">
#set($nextLevelNum2 = $tools.math.toInteger($lvlNum2) + 1)##
#if($nextLevelNum2 < $tools.math.toInteger($maxLevel))##
#foreach ($navon in $submenu)##
#nextnavlevel3 ($navon $isInNextLevel $nextLevelNum2 $velocityCount $thisN $item_cid $type $maxLevel)##
#end## foreach $navon
#end## if $nextLevelNum
#elseif ($type.equals("1")|| $type.equals("2"))##
#isCurrentInSubmenu($submenu $isInNextLevel $item_cid)##
#set($submenu = $node.getNodes("nav:submenu"))##
<div class="vt_subnav${lvlNum2}_block">
<ul class="vt_subnav${lvlNum2}_inactive">
#set($nextLevelNum2 = $tools.math.toInteger($lvlNum2) + 1)##
#if($nextLevelNum2 < $tools.math.toInteger($maxLevel))##
#foreach ($navon in $submenu)##
#nextnavlevel3 ($navon $isInNextLevel $nextLevelNum2 $velocityCount $thisN $item_cid $type $maxLevel)##
#end## foreach $navon
#end## if $nextLevelNum
#end## $axis==SELF
#end## $tools.math
#set($thisNum = $counter)##
#showItem($node.parent $nodetype $thisNum $thisActive $item_cid $node.getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#showItem($node $nodetype $thisNum $thisActive $item_cid $node.getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#end## if $node_parent
#end## $nodetype == vtNavBase
#end## macro nextnavlevel2
## macro nextnavlevel3 follows similar to nextnavlevel2
## ----------- Helper Macros ---------------------
## checks to see if the current item (parent_cid in this case) is in the submenu)
#macro (isCurrentInSubmenu $nodeSubmenu $inSubmenu $item_cid)##
#set($inSubmenu = 'false')##
#foreach ($item in $nodeSubmenu)##
#set($nodetype = $item.getPrimaryNodeType().getType())##
#if ($nodetype == "vtNavBase" || $nodetype == "vtNavBranch")##
#end## if $nodetype
#if ($item_cid==$this_cid)##
#set($inSubmenu= 'true')##
#end## if $parent_cid
#end## foreach $item
#end## macro isCurrentInSubmenu
## Show item in navigation submenu slot
#macro(showItem $nodeSubmenu $thisNodeType $submenuNum $activeNum $item_cid $current_cid)##
#__slotsetup("vtSNavSubMenu" "")##
#set($nodeItem = $sys.assemblyItem.clone())##
#set($relresults = $rx.asmhelper.assemble($nodeItem,$sys.currentslot.slot,$completeparams))##
#set($itemtoGet = $tools.math.sub($submenuNum,"1"))##
#set($relresult = $relresults.get($itemtoGet))##
#foreach($item_result in $relresults)##
#end## $item_result.getNode()
#end## foreach $item_result
#end## $relresult.size
#if (!$relresult.equals(""))##
#if($thisNodeType == 'vtBrief' || $thisNodeType == 'vtExternalLink')##
## don't comment out the ending line so it creates a newline in source view
## vtGeneric or other contenttypes with full pages that require an "active" state
#set($this_cid = $relresult.getNode().getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String)##
#set($docText = $rx.doc.extractBody($relresult).trim())##
#vtExtractFirstURL ($docText "href" "" $thisNURL)##
#vtReturnFieldEsc($relresult.getNode() "rx:displaytitle" $thisNName)##
#set($activeNum = "")##
<a class="vt_active$!{activeNum}" href="$thisNURL" title="$thisNName">$thisNName</a>
<a href="$thisNURL" title="$thisNName">$thisNName</a>
#end## if $parent_cid
#end## if $thisNodeType
#end## if $relresult
#end## macro showItem