Navigation Screen Improvements

Any or all of the following would be great to see in a future update:

  1. Move Multiple sections

The ability to select multiple sections at once (using Shift and/or Ctrl Keys) – i.e. to then be able to move them all at once. currently I believe you have to move them one at a time. I would say to be sure to include this ability for both drag and drop moving as well as for selecting multiple and using the “Move Section” link at the top.

  1. Sorting Sections

Ability to re-sort sections on a Level. I.e. To alphabetize them in the navigation view. for instance we have 50+ sections at one level. I’d like a button to click that resorts them so they appear in order in the navigation so it’s easier to find the one I’m looking for.

  1. Assign Templates Globally

Ability to assign a template to a particular section (and an option ot tell it to either apply the template to all sections and pages underneath it or to only apply it to the pages that are immediate children to the selection section.

This is interesting. I’m following this.