For some reason our navigation widgets are not displaying links. This is happening for all of our templates. It’s almost as though the widget is no longer on our pages. We have not done anything with our templates, so I’m wondering what the cause might be.
Hi Brian,
Are the links not displaying in preview, or on the published site? If they are not displaying on the published site, the first things to check would be that all of the pages that should be in the navigation are in the “live” workflow status and that the home page is also in “live” status.
It’s in preview. Pretty much everything is not displaying, live, draft, everything is not showing.
When I navigate to the template, I can see navigation widget is there, but it’s using generic link text like, section 1, section 2, etc. The breadcrumbs are also gone, and on the template displaying in the same way. I have attached a capture.
Hi Jon, the top two parts that say section 1, section 2, are breadcrumb widgets, but when you navigate to preview pages none of that shows. The second section 1 in the capture is the navigation widget, and again, that does not show when previewing pages. I’ve checked settings for the levels navigation should be showing, and it seems like everything is okay, but the content is just not displaying.
Brian, to clarify, the red navigation bar in your screen capture (which has “About, Admission & Financial Aid …” etc.), is that also a navigation widget? If it is, does the content in there disappear when you preview the page?
If that is not a navigation widget, can you look through your Site’s Navigation menu in the CM1 UI and ensure that all your sections are laid out as you want them to display on your site?
The red navigation bar is actually rich text. The list on the left that says, section 1, etc. is the navigation widget that is not displaying. The layout should be correct, I have attached a capture of that, in case that helps.
Brian, I’ve open a ticket for this issue and requested your log file from Tom. Please check you inbox for that, and double check with Tom that he also received my message through the support ticket.
For other customers who encounter this issue, the problem was that Brian had setup their site’s homepage as a section link in their site’s navigation, which we have discovered prevents the Navigation and Breadcrumb widgets from pulling in any content. Additionally, a reoccurring error will appear in the server log that complains about a circular relationship:
WARN [] Problem finding the navon - probably previewing a managed nav slot outside of a site. Caught exception: com.percussion.cms.PSCmsException: Failed to get navon nodes, detected a circular Active Assembly relationship, have encountered the same owner id, ‘302’, more than once.
We have logged this issue as a bug, but for now customers can add links to their homepage in their site’s navigation as External Links rather than Section Links.