
OMGOODNESS. . . . . Navigation is just giving me FITS!!! I had to add a new “button” on a template. The button shows up, however, I added a section underneath it that is not showing up. PLEASE, PLEASE tell me again what I am doing wrong!!!

Hi Inga,

I would check to see if the navigation sections you created is appoved. Also check to see if all the pages that are not showing the new navigation section are also approved. Then Run A full site publish.

The issue may be that you have not published out your changes.

Hi Inga, I would also check to see if the site’s homepage has been approved for publishing as well.


This did not work. Maybe I should tell you my steps:

  1. Navigation - created a “button” under one that was already created.
  2. Selected template to use (page was created)
  3. Had a drop down item for this button, created it. Page was created, but it did not drop down.

I have approved, published, published all the pages associated with it, but the drop down does not show up.


I’m not sure I understand what you did? Could you send screen shots?

It seems like you created a navigation section, then created a page and placed it inside the navigation section. But your not seeing the page link show up on your navigation on the page. Is this correct?


I finally got it. Here is where I put it:

Institutional effectiveness (this was supposed to have a drop down, but instead when I click on it it goes to page that shows the link (report card))

I am going to drive ya’ll crazy before its over with.

Hi Inga,

Glad this is resolved. :slight_smile: Have a great week.