navon error when publishing


We’re getting the attached error when each page is being publish out. I’ve run rxfix and also removed any orphaned navons bit it still appears. The Rhythmyx system is 5.6.

Has anyone seen this before?


Nope, never seen that one before :slight_smile:

The problem would appear to be an invalid folder id, not an invalid Navon.

Try turning on debugging for that one class


in /Rhythmyx/rxconfig/ You’re looking for a folder id that is 0 or -1.


Hi Dave

Thanks for the info. The problem was the template assigned to the nav_landing_page slot did not include the folder id. This was only happening on a few content items so I removed the relationship and reinserted.


Hi Dave

The publishing is now running without the errors now although when I do a full publish it seems to list all the folder id (attached) and say that they are on in the site tree.

As mentioned below I’ve run an rxfix. Is there anything else I should be looking out for?


Have you verified whether these folders are, in fact, in the site tree?

Hi Dave

Yes these folders are in the site tree, infact the first id in the list 2927 is the site root folder itself.



I don’t have a system as old as 5.6, but in 5.7, there’s no way for you to get this message if the folders are descended from the site root.

Are you sure that the root folder path (usually //Sites/…) in the Site definition is correct?


Hi Dave

Yes I’m certain, the folder icon changes to a site icon as well.



The error you are getting indicates that the folder id and the site id aren’t matching. The code is rather simple, and hasn’t changed in years (sometime in 2004, I believe)

There are really only 3 possibilities:

  1. The site id indicates a site folder that is not a parent of the folder indicated by the folder id.
  2. The site id is incorrect
  3. There’s a bug in this routine.

Given that this function is used by virtually every customer, and that you are the first to encounter it, I think #3 is rather unlikely.
