Navons in QE need to be transitioned back to public to see changes...

If navons are in Quick Edit state, any changes to them, e.g. landing pages, can only be committed if they are moved back to the Public state.

This makes staging publishing of navigation changes impossible (because at the same time they affect production publish). For us, we have to “freeze” content for the whole site, even if we are only making navigational changes within one section.

Any plans to correct this in the product? Any workarounds?


Hey Jason,

We have experienced this as well. We filed it as a bug with Tech Support. TAR # MA-08-12-0070.


I would be curious as to the response. This is the way it has always worked for us and the no “stage” / preview is quite annoying but navigation is always the sticking point for us and this is just one more thing that we mention to our users about how to deal with navigation.

A solution to this would be a great feature!

Hi Jason,

I’ve set up your environment in-house and tested this issue.

DESCRIPTION: If navons are in Quick Edit state, any changes to them, e.g. landing pages, can only be committed if they are moved back to the Public state. This makes staging publishing of navigation changes impossible (because at the same time they affect production publish). For us, we have to “freeze” content for the whole site, even if we are only making navigational changes within one section. Any plans to correct this in the product? Any workarounds?

I also tested on an Out-of-Box environment and they behave the same way. I had a conversation with Development about this issue and they informed me that this is how Navigation was designed. Meaning, this is intended behavior and Percussion does not have any plans on changing this behavior.

Best Regards,

Adam Scarcella

Percussion Software Technical Support

Join the Rhythmyx Developers Community

We received a similar response from dev via tech support. I strongly disagree with the assertion that since it was designed that way, it should not be revisited and changed. If it is causing customers problems, it should be fixed. But that is where it stands for now.

I agree with the other posts here.

It is very important for our customers to see their navigation changes on staging before committing the amended content/nav tree to Live. My view is that Percussion should at least consider changing how the managed nav updates, especially as several people on the forum are in agreement that the current set-up is not meeting our needs.


This issue was raised as a bug report [RX-13105 : “Sort ranks in Nav slots aren’t reflected in a preview until the Navon is transitioned to public”], and consequently fixed in the next upcoming release of Rhythmyx version 6.6. Rhythmyx version 6.6 is due to be officially released next week.

Best Regards,

Adam Scarcella

Percussion Software Technical Support

Join the Rhythmyx Developers Community

Does this fix imply navigation changes can be published to staging first before being committed to public, and not merely fixing “sort ranks in preview”?

This may be a poor workaround…freezing the navigation, not the content or the whole section.

In the managed navigation snippets (and maybe global templates as well), use conditional logic to check if you are publishing to production site.

#if ($sys_siteid == “[production site id]” && $sys_context == “1”)
## display hard coded navigation links, i.e. navigation freeze
## render navigation based on nav tree structure

This won’t work in all situations, depending on the requirements.