NavTree slot propagation in 6.5.2

Before we go down the road of defining our right-hand column slot contents to contain hard-coded (ie non-flexible) areas combined with potentially more than one slot and managed on a page-by-page basis, I wanted to make sure my more ideal solution, of navtree slot propagation, is still valid.

I used this in 5.7 to propagate banner images using the pso_navTreeSlotMarker exit so that every page below the level where a navon had such an image in a specific slot would pick up that banner image.

In our 6.5.2 I want a content item to have one right-hand column slot which will display it’s own content if there are slot contents for that item, and, if not, look to see if a Navon at a higher level has content in a slot and display that content instead. Is this still a valid approach in 6.5?

Yes, you can do this. Velocity provides simpler ways to do this than we used in XSLT.

It’s fairly easy to assemble the contents of a slot and then count the number of entries. You’ll have to “take apart” the slot macros and call #init_slot first (before the #if statement) and then loop through the slot items inside your #if statement.

As for the Navon, the “getParent()” and “getDepth()” methods can be use to walk up the tree (towards the root) examining the properties as you go.


Thanks Dave,

Is there any further guidance available on doing this? Any further pointers?
