Need to generate the hyperlink of the calling template

We need to link 2 page templates to each other. For example, I have some list of attractions in the city home page. The attraction list is coming through a slot. On clicking, the attraction link, the user moves to the attraction detail page.

How can I generate the link for going back to the City Home page from the attraction detail page?

Assuming that the “City” and “Attraction” are different content items, one way to do this is the PSOReverseSlotContentFinder.

Of course, if the same Attraction is in more than one City, this will result in more than one link. I don’t know if that will be a problem for you or not.

Is this related to your previous question: ?


It is not related to the previous question (

The City and Attraction are different content types. They have different page templates too. So I didn’t get when you say use reverse slot content finder (PSOReverseSlotContentFinder).