New Navigation Tab added but will not display on the live site

I have added a new navigation tab to our website. The folder is created and there is a landing page for it.I have published the entire site and the tab still will not show up on the live site. What are some other ways to get this issue fixed.


Did you approve the page for the new Navigation section? The landing page for that section must be approved or published for the section to appear in navigation throughout the site.

I did…I approved it and published it and also Published the entire site and it’s still not appearing.

Hi Mallorie,

A few more questions on this:
Is the page above it in the tree published as well? How far down in the navigation tree is the section and is everything above it approved and published? Can you check the publishing logs to see if there are any errors?

We can look to set up a support ticket for this after and see if there is a deeper underlying cause.

yes the page above it is published and it is on the second level of the navigation tree. There are a few errors on the publishing logs but most of them come from assets. I may need to have a support ticket created for this because this is info that needs to go on our site immediately . Thanks

Mallorie, is the navigation link appearing when you preview the page? If so, please ensure that both your site’s homepage and your new section are in the Pending or Live workflow state (not Quick Edit or Draft) and run a full site publish. If this doesn’t help, or if the section is NOT appearing in preview, I can certainly create a support ticket for us to take a closer look into this.

Yes, the navigation link is appearing when you preview the page. The homepage and new section are both in the Live workflow state and I have published the entire site twice. Still no luck

Thanks for verifying that, Mallorie. I’m going to create a support ticket for us now to take a closer look into this. Please check your inbox momentarily.

ok. Thanks a lot!

A subsequent full site publish corrected the issue here.