New RSS feed gives 404 error

Thanks Nathaniel. I remember that now but I will definately make an idea post for that.

When I added the AutoList and then set everything up on it, it looks fine but when i press the RSS feed button, I get an error of 404 Not Found. Any ideas why? I did a full site publish last night after I created the page and added the widget.

Note: This topic was created from a reply on the Can’t get Calendar to show on page. topic.

Hi Matt,

It’s possible you are experiencing a known issue that’s scheduled to be resolved in an upcoming release, where if two RSS feeds of the same name exist on pages that have been published in CM1 (putting them both into the RSS feed queue), the RSS feed queue will get blocked up, and no RSS content will get pushed out to your DTS database from that point forward (resulting in the 404 not found errors you’re seeing for any new RSS feeds).

To check whether this is the problem in your case, please take a look in your DTS Tomcat’s catalina.log file, located on your web server at {dts_root}\Deployment\Server\logs, and look for an exception that reads:

org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystemException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session ```   
If this is your problem, the solution -- as you might have guessed -- is to track down your pages containing RSS feeds, identify which RSS feed uses a duplicate name, rename the feed, and then republish that page. Once you’ve done this, wait a few minutes for the content in the RSS feed queue to be push out, and then try to access your RSS feed once again. Let me know if this helps.

I looked through the file that you told me to and I did not see an error for Jersey Spring Web Application.


In that case I am going to open a support ticket for this issue so I can take a closer look into what’s happening under CM1’s hood. Please check your inbox shortly for that notification.

Hey Matt, is there any quick and dirty way to find out what pages have RSS besides visiting every page?