New site content browser error

We have created a new site, and added to an existing community that has other sites added earlier. We have configured the site in the Publishing Design to point to the new folder. We are able to create new folders and new items in this new site.

However, when we try to add an item from this site to a slot thru the content browser, we are not able to open this new site in the content browser. We are able to open other sites without any problem. However, on opening this new site, we are getting a Javascript error with the following message:

Message: An assert statement failed.
The method dojo.lang.assert() was called with a ‘false’ value.
Here’s the assert message:
Type mismatch: dojo.lang.assertType() failed.

Line: 2677
Char: 1
Code: 0

Have you tried doing a search in the forums for this? You might be surprised as to what you can find…

Here is one possible explanation…