new site navtree doubts

Hi everybody,

We are on the process of setting up a second new site on Rhythmyx and we were wondering what we should do about the in house properties that we added both to navtree and navons so they are not shared with this second site.

E.G the “landing page” slot does allow you to select content types that are not allowed on the new site. Ideally it should only show the site specific new content types.

Are we missing the point? any thoughts on this would be really apreciated.

Thanks, Javier.


Can you give us some more examples of the conflicts/doubts you’re encountering? It may help guide us to better advice for you.

To Riley’s point, I think it is going to be a case-by-case situation depending on what exactly the requirement is. In the example you mentioned with the slot, slot if the content types are not “allowed”, then maybe your communities should be set up such that the user of the “new” site are able to see those content types, so you wouldn’t have to change the slot, but again… everything depends on your implementation and your requirements.

Hi there,

thanks a lot for your answers and sorry about the late reply, just back from some time off.

Basically we would like to enforce as many good practices as possible and not let the users decide if is right to do something or not.

Ideally we would like the landing page slot to just allow the user to choose between content types that are valid for their community and site. Otherwise, how would I stop users from doing cross site links?

Cheers, Javier.