"No landing page found for content id ..." - PSNavHelper reporting ERROR in log

We have been dealing with a constant error in our server.log stating

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,mmm ERROR [com.percussion.services.assembly.impl.nav.PSNavHelper] No landing page relationship found for content id ######

that has been generated from navons not having a Landing Page defined. This has not been a critical issue; however, it is constantly appearing in our logs. One solution involved defining a landing page for each navon, but a landing page wasn’t needed in several situations; therefore, the second solution was to use the Navigation configuration variable, navon.landingpage.required. Adding this variable to the Navigation configuration file, and setting to to false the error message is no longer displayed.

Hi Riley,
This is really good to know, I have been experiencing the same error in the our server log and was recently attempting to uncover the problem. This is a big help, thank you. One question though where and/or which navigation configuration file are you referring to please? Or where does that navigation variable actually go?


[QUOTE=Rileyw;19894]We have been dealing with a constant error in our server.log stating

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,mmm ERROR [com.percussion.services.assembly.impl.nav.PSNavHelper] No landing page relationship found for content id ######

that has been generated from navons not having a Landing Page defined. This has not been a critical issue; however, it is constantly appearing in our logs. One solution involved defining a landing page for each navon, but a landing page wasn’t needed in several situations; therefore, the second solution was to use the Navigation configuration variable, navon.landingpage.required. Adding this variable to the Navigation configuration file, and setting to to false the error message is no longer displayed.[/QUOTE]

In Workbench you can find the Navigation configuration file under System Design then Configuration. You can find the physical file under <RHYTHMYX_APP>/rxconfig/Server/Navigation.properties

To not see this error just change the following property to rxconfig/Server/Navigation.properties


oops did not see this was already answered


Can you provide some details on how this setting impacts Percussion aside from generating an error message when a Landing Page slot is not populated?


Can you provide some details on how this setting impacts Percussion aside from generating an error message when a Landing Page slot is not populated?[/QUOTE]

The only thing it does is produce that error message, there is no other difference in the code path.

Oh, this is superb news and glad I stumbled across this thread. After a long long time of being annoyed by this message and not wanting to turn down the logging for the PSNavHelper class I logged this with support in February 2011 and a ‘bug’ was raised (RX-16532). I guess this fixes it then.
