Non-display of manually archived Rx item on Rx Content Explorer

In Rx 6.5.2, it is by default that the item archived by the system (using New Promotable Version method) will not be displayed on the Content Explorer.

How is it feasible to do so for items manually archived by the user?

Thanks for your help in advance!

One approach would be to create a workflow action that disconnected the item from all folders. This action would need to be placed on all transitions that go to an archive state.

Thanks for your suggestion. Is there any step-by-step procedure to show me how to do it?

Do you know if there is any user-friendly configuration on the workbench to do so, for example, by triggering the flag to hide or show items on any workflow state in Rhythmyx. I think it would be beneficial to have this feature in future version if there is none now.


In the Rhythmxy Technical Reference Manual, see “Workflow Actions”, p. 109.

(Note: link is to Version 6.5.2 document.)

Thanks very much for your document and advice!!!

It is not so simple as it seems to be…

I will see what I can do with it then.