Not Able to Call Custom Macro

I’ve created a custom macro and added it to the rx_assembly.vm file, but I’m not able to access it in my velocity template. For example,

macro to replace any pipes (|) or carats (^) with escaped characters

#macro(at_escapePipeCarat $str) $str.replace(’|’,’%7C’).replace(’^’,’%5E’)

Call in template:

#set($url = “&hello|world^?”)



Do I need to restart the Rx application or register the macro somewhere?


Does it work if you define the macro in the template itself, or put


in the template? (Not sure if the syntax is correct.)

Or you could try putting each statement on a new line. (You can prevent whitespace being added by adding ## on the end of all lines, to comments out the carriage return.


You need to restart the server or pass sys_reinit=true parameter with a preview request. This will cause the macro file to be reloaded.

I restarted the server and the call to the macro is now working.

Thank you all for the help,