Not able to edit "PSOThumbnailGenerator" argument in upgraded Rhythmyx 7.2 version.

After running the upgrade from Rhythmyx version 6.7 to 7.2, we are not able to edit the “PSOThumbnailGenerator” arguments under “Pre Processing” section in “Properties” tab of “Content Type”; but we are able to add new entry for same .

While editing the “PSOThumbnailGenerator” in Rhythmyx 6.7, 6 parameters are displayed i.e. (source, ThumbnailFieldName, MaxDimension,Thumbnail_prefix, Thumbnail_Width, Thumbnail_Height) whereas 7.2 version displays 7 parameters when we create a new entry in Pre-processing tab i.e (SourceFieldName, ThumbnailFieldName, MaxDimension,Thumbnail_prefix, Thumbnail_Width, Thumbnail_Height, UseOriginalFileFormat). Please check the attached images for details:

For Rhythmyx 6.7

For Rhythmyx 7.2

So, please suggest how to edit/update the existing “PSOThumbnailGenerator” in Rhythmyx 7.2 version and what value should be set for “UseOriginalFileFormat” parameter (true/false).

It looks like an additional parameter was added to the latest toolkit that allows for the file extension to be preserved on thumbnail creation, or to use the default extension which was .jpg.

I created a page on GitHub for the PSOThumbnailGenerator extension that describes the parameters for the extension.

Basically unless you do not want the thumbnail to be a jpg, you can pass in false for the new parameter.

[QUOTE=vgupta;20664]After running the upgrade from Rhythmyx version 6.7 to 7.2, we are not able to edit the “PSOThumbnailGenerator” arguments under “Pre Processing” section in “Properties” tab of “Content Type”; but we are able to add new entry for same .

While editing the “PSOThumbnailGenerator” in Rhythmyx 6.7, 6 parameters are displayed i.e. (source, ThumbnailFieldName, MaxDimension,Thumbnail_prefix, Thumbnail_Width, Thumbnail_Height) whereas 7.2 version displays 7 parameters when we create a new entry in Pre-processing tab i.e (SourceFieldName, ThumbnailFieldName, MaxDimension,Thumbnail_prefix, Thumbnail_Width, Thumbnail_Height, UseOriginalFileFormat). Please check the attached images for details:

For Rhythmyx 6.7

For Rhythmyx 7.2

So, please suggest how to edit/update the existing “PSOThumbnailGenerator” in Rhythmyx 7.2 version and what value should be set for “UseOriginalFileFormat” parameter (true/false).[/QUOTE]

Thanks Natechadwick.

We used “PSOThumbnail generator” extension in “Pre-processing” tab of content type to generate thumbnails in Rhythmyx 6.7 version. As, we upgraded the Rhythmyx version from 6.7 to 7.2, we are not able to edit the parameters passed to Thumbnail generator as the dialog box of “Extension Parameter” is not opening.

Please see the below screenshot for more details:

Ah, in your last screen shot you showed the extension parameters so I thought it was opening? Couple things to check/try.

  1. Do you really have two thumbnail fields on this content type? If not, are you able to delete the reference to the extension that is failing to load the parameters dialog?
  2. Make sure you only have one PSO Toolkit jar in your Rhythmyx/AppServer/server/rx/deploy/WEB-INF/lib directory, and that it is the latest version.

Also if you remove the extension from the pre-procesing tab,save the content type, and then add it back, are you able to display the parameters dialog?


[QUOTE=vgupta;20669]Thanks Natechadwick.

We used “PSOThumbnail generator” extension in “Pre-processing” tab of content type to generate thumbnails in Rhythmyx 6.7 version. As, we upgraded the Rhythmyx version from 6.7 to 7.2, we are not able to edit the parameters passed to Thumbnail generator as the dialog box of “Extension Parameter” is not opening.

Please see the below screenshot for more details:


Hi Chadewick

  1. Yes, we have 2 thumbnail fields in this content type and both of these fields are not able to load the extension parameters dialog box. I could not understand the statement “Are you able to delete the reference to the extension that is failing to load the parameters dialog” so please throw some light on it.

  2. We have only one PSOToolkit jar at path AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rxapp.ear/rxapp.war/WEB-INF/lib/PSOToolkit-6.7.jar. I think you missed to mention the folder “rxapp.ear/rxapp.war” in your last reply.

Yes, we are able to delete the PSOThumbnail Generator extension from pre-processing tab and successfully save the content type. If we add the PSOThumbnail Generator extension again we are getting the extension parameter dialog box and able to add the parameters and successfully save it (Reason being this time its taking 7 parameters and earlier there were only 6 parameters in the list).


  1. What i meant by delete the extension comment was to do what you did, remove from the tab, save the type, add it back, and save to see if you get the parameters dialog again. I am glad that worked for you.

  2. You are correct. I made a typo in the path name, thanks for fixing that.

Can you confirm your Workbench version by using the Help->About menu in Workbench? I just want to confirm that you are running the 7.2 workbench before I report the Workbench upgrade issue.

Also the version of the PSO Toolkit that you are running should be labelled 7.x. It is a free public source add-on to the product and isn’t included with the main installation. You can either download the source and build it yourself, or there is a download link on the forum for the 7.x version (You want the one posted by sbolton).

One of the things we are working on is better synchronization of the open projects (PSO Toolkit, Image Editor etc) downloads and the main build for the 7.3 release which is scheduled for early summer.


[QUOTE=vgupta;20676]Hi Chadewick

  1. Yes, we have 2 thumbnail fields in this content type and both of these fields are not able to load the extension parameters dialog box. I could not understand the statement “Are you able to delete the reference to the extension that is failing to load the parameters dialog” so please throw some light on it.

  2. We have only one PSOToolkit jar at path AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rxapp.ear/rxapp.war/WEB-INF/lib/PSOToolkit-6.7.jar. I think you missed to mention the folder “rxapp.ear/rxapp.war” in your last reply.

Yes, we are able to delete the PSOThumbnail Generator extension from pre-processing tab and successfully save the content type. If we add the PSOThumbnail Generator extension again we are getting the extension parameter dialog box and able to add the parameters and successfully save it (Reason being this time its taking 7 parameters and earlier there were only 6 parameters in the list).[/QUOTE]


Workbench version on my machine is 7.2.

Before running the upgrade from Rhythmyx 6.7 to 7.2 PSOToolkit 6.5 was installed on server.

As per the below statement mentioned at step 3 of section “Upgrading from CM System 6.7 to 7.2.0” [],

If Percussion’s Professional Services installed its PSOToolkit on your CM System, you want to update this by downloading and installing PSOToolkit 6.7 from This PSOToolkit will be located within /Releases/6.7/PSOToolkit/”.

we installed PSOToolkit having label “PSOToolkit6.7”.

Do i still need to install PSOToolkit 7.x? Please suggest.

Yes, that looks like a doc error to me.

Recorded bugs:

CMS-494 - On Upgrade Workbench does not allow changes to the parameter list of Pre-Processing Extensions
CMS-495 - 7.2 Release notes incorrectly instruct the user to install the PSO Toolkit version 6.7


Thanks Nate.

I looked into the percussion ftp and there was no PSOToolkit folder for version 7.2 and 7.1.0 but found “” at path “Releases/7.0.3/PSOToolkit/”.

  1. Do we need to download & install the PSOToolkit from path “Releases/7.0.3/PSOToolkit/”?

[B]2. After downloading and installing the above mentioned PSOToolkit on our current upgraded Rhythmyx environment (i.e 7.2) will reflect all the changes. Please confirm on this. Or

  1. Do we need to restore our old Rhythmyx 6.7 environment (i.e CM System tree) and run the upgrade process (i.e. from 6.7 to 7.2) again?[/B]

  2. Please confirms us on below upgrade steps:
    a. Shut down CM System and take a backup of the CM System tree (/Rhythmyx) and the entire CM System database.
    b. Download and install the latest CM System 6.7 Patch from This patch will be located within /Patches/6.7/.
    c. Download & install the PSOToolkit from located at path “Releases/7.0.3/PSOToolkit/”.
    d. Download and install CM System 7.2.0 from

You do not need to run the upgrade again. The Toolkit is an independent add-on. The steps that you followed are fine, the Toolkit specified in the instructions is just the version packaged for 6.7 not 7.x so will not have the latest Toolkit.

Let me confirm the download location, there are different links on the forum, FTP, and the CDN.

Instructions to install the updated toolkit once it is extracted:

  1. Shutdown CM System 7.2.

  2. Backup the installation tree. You do not need to backup the database, the toolkit install does not effect the database.

  3. From the directory you extracted the toolkit to:

Windows: install.bat <path to install directory e.g. c:\rhythmyx>
Linux: ./ <path to install directory e.g. /home/percussion/rhythmyx>

  1. Start CM System.

Apologies for any confusion. Stay tuned on the link.


[QUOTE=vgupta;20684]Thanks Nate.

I looked into the percussion ftp and there was no PSOToolkit folder for version 7.2 and 7.1.0 but found “” at path “Releases/7.0.3/PSOToolkit/”.

  1. Do we need to download & install the PSOToolkit from path “Releases/7.0.3/PSOToolkit/”?

[B]2. After downloading and installing the above mentioned PSOToolkit on our current upgraded Rhythmyx environment (i.e 7.2) will reflect all the changes. Please confirm on this. Or

  1. Do we need to restore our old Rhythmyx 6.7 environment (i.e CM System tree) and run the upgrade process (i.e. from 6.7 to 7.2) again?[/B]

  2. Please confirms us on below upgrade steps:
    a. Shut down CM System and take a backup of the CM System tree (/Rhythmyx) and the entire CM System database.
    b. Download and install the latest CM System 6.7 Patch from This patch will be located within /Patches/6.7/.
    c. Download & install the PSOToolkit from located at path “Releases/7.0.3/PSOToolkit/”.
    d. Download and install CM System 7.2.0 from[/QUOTE]

Thanks Nate for the support.

I found “” at path “Releases/7.0.3/PSOToolkit/” over percussion ftp. Please look at the specified location path and do let us know if toolkit at the specified path need to be installed or there is some another “PSOToolkit” for Rhythmyx version 7.2 which we are not aware of.

Hi Nate,

Please respond as we are waiting for your reply to proceed further because we are going through very critical phase of project.


Hi sorry for the delay, it took me some time to confirm versions.

The toolkit 6.7 version was required for the upgrade from version 6 to 7. Post upgrade to version 7, the version 7.x toolkit should be installed. The version in the 7.0.3 folder on the FTP server may be used for this. You can proceed finishing with your upgrade with this version.

There is a later version of the toolkit with a couple of enhancements/fixes that has been updated since the 7.03 version. You can install this at any time post upgrade.

When the various versions are consolidated on the new CDN (by end of next week) I will update the forum and help sites with a single thread that points to the various versions, including the latest and greatest version of the toolkit.


[QUOTE=vgupta;20694]Hi Nate,

Please respond as we are waiting for your reply to proceed further because we are going through very critical phase of project.


Hi Nate… Thanks for the help.

We upgraded the PSOToolkit to 7.x version. Now, we are able to create and edit content items of image type using PSOToolkit; but in Rhythmyx Workbench, the earlier PSOThumbnailGenerator bindings are still not editable as they refer the old API still, i.e., 6 arguments for the function call of PSOThumbnailGenerator binding and not 7.

We also upgraded our workbench, after upgrading PSOToolkit 7.x, using devToolsSetup.exe (http://<server>:<port>/Rhythmyx/Administration/DeveloperTools/InstData/Windows/VM/devToolsSetup.exe) but this did not help.

Could you please suggest a solution for this as we are running out of time for Rhythmyx upgrade process. Thanks.


I thought you were able to delete the extension and re-add it successfully with the new parameters? This is clearly a workbench bug which I have logged with Engineering, but with the work-around it should not block your upgrade correct?


Yes, we are able to delete the PSOThumbnail Generator extension from pre-processing tab and successfully save the content type. If we add the PSOThumbnail Generator extension again we are getting the extension parameter dialog box and able to add the parameters and successfully save it (Reason being this time its taking 7 parameters and earlier there were only 6 parameters in the list).

Hi Nate,

Yes, we are able to delete the extension and re-add it successfully with the new parameters. Yes with the workaround the upgrade process run successfully.

As suggested, we installed PSOToolkit 7.x after upgrading Rx server from 6.7 to 7.2. Can we install it before upgrading the Rx environment as described in steps below?

  1. Run CM System 6.7 Patch
  2. Run PSOToolkit 6.7
  3. Run PSOToolkit 7.x
  4. Run Rx Upgrade from 6.7 to 7.2

Please reply on this thread once the workbench issue gets resolved.



Almost right. You should upgrade the Toolkit to the 7.x version AFTER upgrading to 7.2. The updated 6.7 version is required for the upgrade from 6.7.


[QUOTE=vgupta;20714]Hi Nate,

Yes, we are able to delete the extension and re-add it successfully with the new parameters. Yes with the workaround the upgrade process run successfully.

As suggested, we installed PSOToolkit 7.x after upgrading Rx server from 6.7 to 7.2. Can we install it before upgrading the Rx environment as described in steps below?

  1. Run CM System 6.7 Patch
  2. Run PSOToolkit 6.7
  3. Run PSOToolkit 7.x
  4. Run Rx Upgrade from 6.7 to 7.2

Please reply on this thread once the workbench issue gets resolved.
