Notifications with Ad Hoc, Multiple Roles

We have multiple roles in each State of our workflows to provide for the ability to send an approval request to various lines of business depending on the content item being created.

However, we are discovering that when we ad hoc to a user in one role of the state, other users in the same role do not get the email notification (desired behavior), but user in the other roles in the same state DO get an email notification (undesired behavior).

Ideally, when we ad hoc a content item we only want the notification to go to that person exclusively. Is this possible, while having multiple roles in each state?

Thanks in advance for any insight into how we might correct this.



Please contact tech support on this issue so our developers can take a closer look at it.


Did you ever resolve this? I think we are looking into the same thing : an ad-hoc assignment that sends notifications to only the selected user rather than any user with the same role.

I believe that ad-hoc assignment only impacts the role of the user you pick - other users in that role cannot act as assignees. Users in other roles that are assignees for that state are still able to act on the item. The notifications are consistent with this.

Thanks, JaySeletz. I understand that the notifications are consistent with the role. And that the ad-hoc workflow doesn’t preclude another user of the same role acting on an item. What I was wondering if the notification emails could only be sent to the user specified in ad-hoc? Rather than all the users of the role? It seems notifications are only role based.

It is not possible to limit the notifications in the way you desire (other than by turning off notification for the non-adhoc roles.) In addition to the adhoc’d user, users in all other non-adhoc roles (with notification enabled)are also notified.

If you had this feature, how would you want it to work? If you adhoc someone, they get notified, but no one else does, regardless of assignment type or notification type, even though the other, non-adhoc roles have Assignee access? Would you want to disallow access by other roles if an adhoc assignee was chosen?

I think ideally as you suggested for the notifications but still allowing access by other roles if an adhoc assignee was chosen.