<o:p> element causing major issue

I couldn’t figure out why my RTE (rich text editor) wasn’t saved properly until I looked closer. It’s the weird code ‘<o:p></o:p>’ which turned out to be Microsoft’s side. This happened when you copy and paste the texts from Microsoft Words or Outlook. This is coming from web editors’ issues.

Is it something that you can omit in the next patch? See screenshot attach when trying to save the RTE. Thank you!

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7808968/what-do-op-elements-do-anyway

Hi Aaron,

I will attach a feature request to this ticket for the the <o:p> tags (and potentially any other problematic ones from Word/Outlook) to be stripped when pasting to the rich text editor. That should take care of the errors you are seeing. Please let me know if there are any other errors or issues regarding the text editor.

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