Once the cms is installed on port 9992 how difficult is it to go to port 80?

Once the cms is installed on port 9992 how difficult is it to go to port 80.

Is this as simple as changing some xml files?

You can do it using the RhythmyxServerPropertiesEditor.exe program in the root of the Rhythmyx file tree on your 6.5.2 server. Just shutdown Rhythmyx, change the Bind Port field, then restart. When we did it we experienced all sorts of weird problems, but in the end they were traced to a simple hardcoded reference to port 9992 in a customisation we had done for us by Percussion early in the deployment. Discovering this, given the obscurity of the error messages Rhythmyx generates, was extremely difficult. But fundamentally changing the port was easy.

Has anyone done this manually.

Our cms is installed on redhat and we only have command/shell access.

In doing this, has anyone had any problems with jboss/tomcat running on a port less than 1000 due the unix security stuff?

Try this…?


Thanks for the pointer :slight_smile:

You should also note that on *nix platforms, use of ports below 1000 requires “root” privileges. You’ll need to make sure that the effective user of the Rhythmyx process has these privileges.

I think it’s generally a bad idea to run Rhythmyx directly on port 80: it’s far better to use a Web Server or other proxy in front of the Rhythmyx server.


We put apache in front of the cms to act as a proxy from 80 to 9992. From initial testing everything looks okay.

Could you possibly expand on why would it be better to use a web server or proxy in front of Rhythmyx?


We never really designed Rhythmyx to run as “root”. We haven’t tested for the kinds of security holes that this can create.

In my view, the fewer (and simpler) things you have running as root, the better. Apache (at least) is well tested and known to be reasonably secure when properly managed and kept up to date. Rhythmyx and JBoss are less well tested.

In addition, the Web server only exposes one port (80) to the network (unless you explicit request others). JBoss exposes several other ports that can do everything from JNDI requests to server shutdown.

Both of these are good reasons to place your Rhythmyx server behind a web server when exposing it to the internet (which I presume is why you want it on port 80 in the first place).

The original question related to Red Hat Linux: the situation on Windows is probably less important, as Windows services don’t really run as “root” and there’s no distinction between services that use ports below 1000 in Windows. Also, IIS Security is a bit of an oxymoron, especially for neophytes.


Server-side, you could just DNAT port 80 to port 9992.

This won’t really help. The content editor (and the CX) will still generate absolute URLs which will point back to port 9992 (or whatever port you used in the original installation).

It will allow users to bookmark the IP address (without the port), though.

Thanks for the clarification.

BTW, we use Windows here, but wouldn’t a super server daemon like xinetd allow Rhythmyx to run on port 80 without being run as root?