Option to Remove/Unpublish entire section From Site

We would greatly benefit having an option to UnPublish / Remove from site by section (either through the Navigation Screen, or through the Finder Folder Actions).

Due to the way our organization has sections setup as mini-sites for our teachers, being able to Remove an entire section instead of by individual page would be great.

If you need further details of what we’re needing feel free to let me know.

I’d imagine the option would loop through any children pages and children folder of the section to be removed and unpublish them if they are live.

You should be able to select the parent folder and delete it. This will cause the pages/folders inside it to delete as well.

I don’t think deleting a folder section actually removes it from the published server.

Once you delete it, you of course would have to run a publish.

We’re not wanting to have to do a full publish each time we need to remove a section from the published server. Also, in some instances we actually want it to remain within CM1, but removed from the published server.

That’s why this idea request is for a specific option to directly “Remove from Site” an entire section as opposed to the current option which only allows to “Remove From Site” for individual pages.

I understand why you want the option, I was just hoping to offer a solution until it was considered as an option.