Organize archived content items

Our user would like to organize archived content items by moving them out of their original folders to a temp folder. After items were moved to the temp folder, they were unable to be previewed because of missing correct navons.

I wonder if it is safe to move archived items around inside Rhythmyx, or what is best way to organize archived items.

Thank you.


Can you clarify? When you say "they were unable to be previewed ", did the system return an error when previewing the Content Items? Or was the navigation simply different?

If an error was returned, please post the error returned in the browser, and any error or stack trace from the server console or log.

If the navigation was different, that is expected behavior. CM System recreates the navigation based on the current location of the Content Item in the Folder tree.


The error message is about missing navon when a content item is being assembled. In the impact analysis, we found the item doesn’t have a parent folder. So it is an orphan item.

Thank you.

In that case, the message you are receiving is not really an error. If a Content Item is not in a Folder under the \Sites node, it is not associated with any Navons to build the navigation.