Overriding system velocity macros


Maybe this has been asked before, but is it OK to write a macro in rx_assembly.vm and give it the same name as one in sys_assembly.vm? At the moment, it seems the new macro overrides the system one, as I had hoped. But is this always going to be the case? Is this a safe thing to do?



Yes, this should be safe.

Thank you.

I’ve just thought of one limitation: Presumably you need to keep the number of parameters the new macro expects same as the original macro, otherwise all existing calls to the macro will be broken.


[QUOTE=Andrew Morrison;3102]Thank you.

I’ve just thought of one limitation: Presumably you need to keep the number of parameters the new macro expects same as the original macro, otherwise all existing calls to the macro will be broken.


Yes, that’s true. Also, since Velocity lacks the concept of “scope”, it’s not possible to call the original macro once the “overriding” macro is in place. Any $variables you define will replace existing ones with the same name. This can be rather maddening in certain situations.

I believe that a future version of Velocity will address the scoping issue, but for now, we’re stuck with it.
