<p>&#160;</p> becomes <p> </p>

I am trying to get <p> </p> from <p> </p> in code tab of Edit Live field.

But the output i get now is <p> </p>

May i know how to get the <p> </p> ?


Could you explain further what you are trying to do? Is this an inline template or are you putting this text directly in the code tab. You will need to click the go advanced button on the forum and wrap any html by select it and clicking the <> button otherwise the forum will strip the code

I got it resolved here it is.

$sys.item.getProperty(“clob1”).String.replace("<p>\u00A0</p>","<p>& nbsp;</p>")


try this, discard my previous entry.

#set($result = $sys.item.getProperty('rxfield').String.replace("<p>\u00A0</p>","<p>& nbsp;</p>")) - discard space in "& nbsp"