Page auto list summaries disappearing from page

On our home page – – we have two page auto list summaries that reference our latest news and latest video. We add the “more” link to display the summary in the list. The “more” link hasn’t appeared in the summary and was used to display information in the page summary on the home page. However, now the “more” link shows up with the summary in the list, and has apparently introduced strange behavior. The two groups now display randomly, separately, or not at all. In addition, the “more” tag sometimes appears with the original news item, but when that page summary disappears, the “more” link drops to the other page summary and links to a completely different page. Any thoughts?


Good afternoon, I actually had a conversation offline with your best practice coach. Right now this is a reported bug that engineering is aware of. They have been able to recreate the issue here, and are working on a fix. We should have a fix for you shortly. I will have your coach reach out to when its ready.
