Page List of Published Pages?

I’m trying to come up with a better solution for a list of seminars. We have a list of seminars that are offered many different times during the year. Currently we have them pulling from a database into a drop down list that then references the page. When the seminar is over, it’s no longer pulled in. This requires me, as the web developer, to update the table each time there’s a new seminar. Since we’ve now implemented our CMS, I’d like to have the content manager manage it themselves. I’d like to use the page list, and I’ve got it working but I have some questions. Will this only display the pages that are published and live? If so, then that’s what I need it to do. I’d like to use scheduling for the pages, so they automatically get taken off the site when the seminar is over. Will the widget only pull those that are current? Does anyone have any recommendations on other widgets that I could use to accomplish this?

The page auto-list will only show those pages that are published and live.  You should be abel to schedule pages for publication and archive and the page list will be updated automatically as those items are published.