Page Stalls on Load Indefinitely


I’ve got a page in Percussion (our homepage, unfortunately) that stalls out on load indefinitely, preventing us from making any changes to it. I have tried logging in with different users, copying the page, restarting Percussion, but have had no success accessing the page.

Able to send any Percussion files needed.

Good afternoon Mattheys,

Does this occur with the Page editor or Template editor. Have you disabled javascript from the view menu?

Feel free to respond in the open Technical Support ticket if you prefer.

Sue Cushman
Director of Technical Support
Percussion Software

The page editor.

I am unable to interact with the page at all to do anything other than try to open it, unfortunately.

Do you see any errors in the browser console when attempting to open the page?

I can access the design of the page, but nothing at the page level. I cannot disable javascript within the page, only on the template level.

I am unable to interact with the browser, or anything at all, while the page is trying to load (and never does).

Hi Matthew,

Try temporariliy removing or commenting all JavaScript in the Additional Content in Template Metadata and then try re-loading the page. Usually that type of thing can happen if there is a JavaScript error / conflict. Please let me know if this helps.

I have removed all Meta data from the template, but the page still does not load correctly.

Note from Matthew - Great job!

Our hunch was that the issue was with an HTML widget on the page. So what we did was copy the template (for safekeeping), remove the HTML widget from it, get into the page, edit the unused HTML widget with new code, and then switch back to the original template to fix it.

We are still not sure what exactly in the code caused the page to not load. My best guess is maybe a comment command wasn’t ended correctly.

Thanks anyway for the help!