Pages by Status Issue

I am having trouble with the Pages by Status gadget. It doesn’t appear to be showing all items. I have tried several refreshes, filter changes and have added and removed the widget. Here are a few of samples I have run and the results:

Site: All
Template: All
Workflow: All
State: All
Last Modified By: (Left Blank)
Returns: 41 pages of results. All pages shown have a “Live” Status (1 in Quick Edit)

Site: All
Template: All
Workflow: Library
State: All
Last Modified By: (Left Blank)
Returns: 4 pages of results. All pages shown have a “Draft” Status
Note (Most of these pages use the Template "Library-Full-Width-Template

Site: DickinsonStateUniversity
Template: Library-Full-Width-Template
Workflow: All
State: All
Last Modified By: (Left Blank)
Returns: 1 entry in “Live” status

Site: DickinsonStateUniversity
Template: Library-Full-Width-Template
Workflow: Library
State: All
Last Modified By: (Left Blank)
Returns: 4 pages of results. All pages shown have a “Draft” Status
Note: the “Live” entry from the previous example does not appear.

Site: DickinsonStateUniversity
Template: All
Workflow: All
State: All
Last Modified By: Admin
Returns: 2 results. One “Live” and one “Quick Edit”
Note: Nearly all of the pages in the system are last modified by Admin at this point.

Hi Josh,

I am going to forward this into our support portal so we can troubleshoot further. You should be receiving an email notification shortly.


This issue seems to have resolved itself - possibly fixed during an upgrade?