Pages By Status Search

It would be VERY helpful to be able to search a specific status for the ENTIRE site, not based in a specific workflow. As the administrator for our site I need to be able to monitor the pages changing and be able to step in when the publishers are either on vacation or backed up and the editors when they need quick assistance.


Aaron, The way Percussion has implemented workflow, workflow statuses are children of workflows. Because of that, there is no way to enforce that each workflow has the same set of statuses.

I’d be curious to know how many different workflows have you implemented. With 3.0, we introduced a new “Pages by status” gadget that makes it much easier to search by workflow/status combination. I’d be eager to hear whether the new design helps mitigate some of your challenges.

About 30 workflows.

The workflow and status combination search for this many is where the problem is as it is not just a quick check to see if any pages are still in a certain status.

Even if it was only for the default statuses (Draft, Review, Live).

I agreed with Aaron. I have about 50+ department workflows. It would be nice to have search feature inside the Page / Asset by Status.