Pages vs Folder Best Practices

We are changing the architecture of our web site and we want to know what are the best practices in Rhythmyx for the number of pages per folder. In fact, we want to know what would be the impact of having 1 page per folder (that way, all our pages can be in the left Nav menu) versus multiple pages per folder (with landing page that direct you in each pages).
Is one way better than the other?
Is the publishing will work as fine in a way than the other?
Does the NavTree have a size limit?
Is there an impact with performance?

Does someone have any best practices or information that we should know before taking our decision?


Guillaume :confused:

Guillaume -

The only real problem with the architecture you suggest is the impact on incremental publishing. If every page in the navigation, whenever any new page is added or removed, the navigation must be republished. This means that every page must be republished whenever a new one is added or removed.

If you have a few hundred (or even a few thousand) pages, this is probably not a problem: you just do full publishes. If you have 10s of thousands of pages or more, this can make publishing into an all night (or all week) affair. It may be possible (depending on the delivery technology) to use Server-Side Includes to cut down on the amount of navigation related publication, but this may or may not actually help.

One alternative is to have a scheme where the main navigation only goes down a few levels and the detail pages have a separate “sub navigation” that is maintained in each “section”, either by hand or by local indices.

Let me know if this helps


Hi Dave,

Thanks for your answer.
One point that I want to clarify. when we will do an incremental publish, is it only the branches where we add new pages that would be republish or all the NavTree have to be republish ?




Rhythmyx doesn’t know which pages are affected by a Nav change (it depends on the structure of the navigation on the pages) so it marks them all.

This means that any change to the Navigation results in a full publish when every page is in the Navigation.


Hi Dave,

Thanks for your help, it’s exactly what we wanted to know.



While the behaviour you state is our desired result, that isn’t what is happening in our 6.5 installation. A change in a navigation item, then put into the public state, was never picked up by an incremental publish. Ideas?


Rhythmyx doesn’t know which pages are affected by a Nav change (it depends on the structure of the navigation on the pages) so it marks them all.

This means that any change to the Navigation results in a full publish when every page is in the Navigation.


Hi Darrell

It never would be picked up in an incremental as no pages have actually changed unless of course you were publishing out your navigation as a page template and even then it would only be the navon item included in the incremental publishing run.


The Nav Branch is a Content Item that was edited and then put back in the public state. That Nav Branch occurs on every page. Shouldn’t that be sufficient for all the pages to be picked up by the incremental?

Hi Darrell

The nav branch appears on the page by the nav slot and the incremental content filter does not touch content with this slot (else you would be doing a full publish every time).

The incremental content list will picks up:

All Content that has been created or amended
All Content where at least of the content type template contains an slot using sys_AutoSlotContentFinder (even if set to never publish).
