Paging content lists in 6.7

In 5.7 it was possible to add a result pager to the query resource which produced content lists, thus chunking up the content lists into manageable bites for Rhythmyx.

Is it possible to do the same thing in 6.7?

We have an edition which runs a content list, which in turn publishes out over 2500 binary items to a database (not just meta-data, the blob also). These editions are often causing java out of memory errors and I was hoping we could apply paging as per 5.7 - if that would even help.

Cheers, Andrew

Hi Andrew

Another way to do this is to add the maxrowsperpage parameter to the content list url. This has the same effect as the pager.

You can do this by clicking on the “Show Additional Details” link at the bottom of the content list. Two fields are then displayed, Base Path and Extra Parameters. Add maxrowsperpage=n to the extra parameters textfield.

To be honest though I’m not sure if this has any impact as the publishing has been updated since 5.7 and 6.5.2.

Are you still using 5.7 style content lists in 6.7? or are you using JSR queries?


Thanks - we’re using the usual 6.7 functionality - JSR queries. The maxrowsperpage doesn’t seem to make any difference but good try! The list still seems to return all the content items. I’d forgotten that particular nugget.

the maxrowsperpage flag for Content-List created in 6.7 does not affect memory usage during publishing (in 6.7)