Paging support

I’ve read about adding paging support in the implementation guide and I understand the bindings and such. What I’m missing is how does it know where to break the page? For example in the guide it says

“Count of total pages of the paginated field to be rendered. Uses the $rx.paginate.fieldContentPageCount function, which returns the number of pages to be generated based on the number of page breaks added to the specified field.”

but it it doesn’t tell me how to insert that page break in the content? What am I missing?



Page breaks are added when editing the page in Content Explorer. In the Ephox editor, put the cursor in the location where you want to insert the break, right-click, and from the popup menu choose Insert Page Break.

This information is not presently documented. I have logged a bug to add it to the Help.


Thanks Robert, I assumed it was something like that, however, when I right click I don’t see an Insert Page Break. I’ve also checked the menus on Ephox to see if it was there, but nothing =(



Are you clicking in the editable area of the Ephox control, or outside the control? If you click in the editable area, you should get a popup menu with the options
[/li][li]Insert Page Break
If you click outside the control, you’ll get a different popup menu from the browser.

If you don’t see the Insert Page Break option in that smaller menu, you’ll probably need help from tech support.


Thanks Robert. Yes I was in ePhox control and did not see the option. Contacted supported and they gave me the line to add to the elj_config.xml file. So now I see it and its working great.

New issue: How does one setup publishing for this? When it publishes, its publishing all pages to the same item. I had a quick look through the implementation guide and it does not talk about how to setup publishing job for this.


The location schemes need to take the paging into account, which they do not do by default.

The JEXL location scheme generator will bind paging info as $ A standard calculated suffix will be bound as $sys.page_suffix. This suffix will be empty for either page 1 or a non-paginated item.

Here is an example of using $sys.page_suffix:

$sys.pub_path + $sys.template.prefix + ‘item’ + $sys.item.getProperty(‘rx:sys_contentid’).String + $sys.page_suffix + $rx.location.getFirstDefined($sys.item,‘rx:activeimg_ext,rx:sys_suffix’, ‘.html’)

This will result in an item such as item244.html for a non-paginated item or page 1 of a paginated item and item329_2.html for the second page of a paginated item. More sophisticated location schemes can use the page information in $ directly


The paging content for the Location Scheme is there, but integrated into the existing content. In the Implementation Guide, see “Creating the Publish Context and its Generic Location Scheme”, p. 321, specifically writing the Location Scheme expression, Step 7 on p. 323.


Awsome, thank you Paul that worked great for me. Thank you Robert for all your help as well.

We’ve discovered that the paging content was not published with the .pdf of the Implementation Guide cited earlier.


Page breaks right-click context menu for Ephox:

  • Edit your Ephox configuration file located at [CM SystemRoot]\rx_resources\ephox.
    The default configuration file is called elj_config.xml.
  • Find the section Customize the EditLive! shortcut menu toward the end of the configuration file.
  • Look for the line below within that section, if you do not find it, please add:
    customshrtMenuItem action=“raiseEvent” imageURL="…/rx_resources/ephox/images/insertBreak.gif" name=“InsertPageBreak” text=“Insert Page Break” value=“RxEphoxInsertPageBreak”