Paste Item As Link

An item is pasted as a link to some folder.

  1. In Content Explorer, how to tell which item is original and which is link?
  2. Programmatically (Velocity), how do we test original/link property?
  3. Generally, is there a situation where this technique (paste-as-link) isn’t recommended.

Thank you…

P.S. Using Rhythmyx 6.0

Rhythmyx doesn’t differentiate between “primary” and “link” folders.

The name “link” was chosen as a loose analogy with the *nix ln command. Think of it as creating a “hard link”, not a “symbolic link”. (There was lots of internal debate about what to call this function, and whether users would understand it. Looking back, I can see that they don’t understand it). Rhythmyx doesn’t have a “symlink” construct.

Folders in Rhythmyx are a relatively recent addition. Before Rhythmyx 5.0, there were no folders, only “Items” and “Views” of items. Even today, Rhythmyx allows items that are not in any folder at all. These items can, of course, be located through Search and through Views (which are a kind of search).

Under the covers, folders are a special type of content item. They have a content id and many of the same attributes as any other item (they even have their own Content Editor application, but no revision or workflow). The same relationship engine that is used for Active Assembly relationships is also used for folders.

The “folder content” relationship is unordered. That is, there’s no concept of when item is the first item in a folder, nor is there any concept of which folder is the first folder that an item belongs to.

Once you’ve done a “Paste Items as Link”, that item is in both folders equally.

What are you trying to do that requires you to determine which folder is the “primary”? Maybe there’s some other way to accomplish this.


Thank you for explaining this. Answers my first question - it doesn’t really matter which “linked” item is “original” (because there’s none).

After further testing, I realize my problem is in navigation.

Let’s say we have folders at the same level from the site root (RegionA, RegionB, RegionC, etc). User recognizes how some of the pages in RegionA are identical in RegionB, C and “links” them over. The idea is to perform updates once only (re-use of content, etc).

We have a custom left-hand menu. It starts from the top, drilling down towards the item and then presents navigation tree in a particular way. Typically, parent is expanded. For “linked” items however, this produces undesirable results. When menu-building code reaches the level of Region A B C, it actually expands and displays all regional branches containing “linked” page. (Not sure if I’m clear on this.)

I would like my code to correctly determine which branch to “follow”. So I’m looking at the page in Region B, and that page is linked in Region C. Instead of expanding only Region B tree, menu shows both B and C. It shoudl expand only region B branch.

Yes, I understood that your question was related to navigation. Since all “links” are equal, the page in RegionB and the page in RegionC really are the same page from the server’s point of view.

Do you want the navigation to include the page in one particular branch, or in the branch that the user is currently navigating in?

If I look at a page in RegionB that also occurs in RegionC, is it only the page in RegionB that should show up in the navigation. If, however I navigate to the same page in RegionC should I see the RegionC page or the RegionB page in the navigation ?


“…If I look at a page in RegionB that also occurs in RegionC, is it only the page in RegionB that should show up in the navigation. If, however I navigate to the same page in RegionC should I see the RegionC page or the RegionB page in the navigation ?”

it is critical that user doesn’t browse out of selected bracnh. Therefore, when navigating to RegionC, user should see RegionC navigation branch.
