Path not found error on pages that do exist.

I have two pages that are listed in CM1 but give path not found errors when trying to access them. Creating a page with the same name gives an error that the page does indeed already exist. I cannot perform any actions on these pages since they will not load before giving the ‘path not found’ error. Any ideas of how to remove them from the list or get them into edit mode?

Hello Scott,

It looks like something happened with these pages - maybe they were deleted or moved, and something in Percussion did not get updated correctly.

We are moving this to a support ticket and will reach out to you with more details.


We ended up modifying some of the database settings for these 2 files as they were inconsistent and then changing the template which allowed us to delete the pages so they could be recreated.
By ‘we’ I mean Keith, myself and a DBA for our organization.